Here are your Committee - If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback please feel free to contact us. Our Committee members are all volunteers and enjoy getting together to improve and run Beacon Swimming Club. If you are able to offer a few hours to help your club we would love to hear from you, whether it be administration, poolside helpers, promoting the club, any skills or help would be greatly appreciated.


President - Hilary Brown


Executive Committee:

Chair -  Chelsea Crathern  - [email protected]

Swimming Secretary - Chris Grose - [email protected]

Treasurer - Fenella Cusack - [email protected]

Welfare - Millie Charters and Pip Archbold - [email protected]

Committee members:

Membership Secretary – Jen Carter - [email protected]

Open Secretary – Caryn Mitten [email protected]

Gala Secretary - VACANT [email protected]

Publicity- Ginny Macklen and Rebecca O Conner

Social Secretary – Ian Archbold

Official/Volunteer Co-ordinator/PB chart manager - Mandi Cooper

Lifesaving Secretary - VACANT


Non-Committee Roles:

Club Shop - Jackie Breen

Web Page Co-ordinator – Mandi Cooper

Tri-Gala Co-ordinator – Elliott Stevens

The Club has a dedicated Welfare Officer [email protected] who is contactable by any swimmer or parent to discuss any concerns about swimmer, volunteer, official or coach behaviour. In addition the Welfare Officer is the first point of contact for anyone who has concerns about the ability to pay the club fees.